The Trusty Pamphlet
Hullo there! Welcome to Otterkin, an online commissioning platform created to help talented artists like you thrive. We’re passionate about bridging the gap between artists and art lovers, providing a space where beautiful, bespoke works of art come to life.
Real art
by real
Our goal is to connect you with buyers who appreciate unique, commissioned pieces tailored to their needs.
From camera
roll to
At Otterkin, we take pride in supporting artists by offering a platform that makes the commissioning process straightforward, fair, and rewarding.
artwork within
We’re not just another platform; we’re a community that values craftsmanship, talent, and the stories behind every brushstroke.
Don't tame
the tiger:
Tired of waiting for commissions?
Fed up of twiddling your thumbs, waiting for commissions, leaving you feeling like this?
Not to worry! We’re putting artists in one place, so those in search of your creative genius can find you with ease
Weary of being fleeced by gallery fees?
Tired of doubling your prices or halving your profits to account for
absurdly high gallery fees?
This guy is...
At 12.5%, our commission fees are light as a feather, and our process is smoother than an Earl Grey
Muddled comms & uncertain payments?
Has poor communication and insecure payments got you pulling your bristles out?
Our payment and messaging systems are both simple and safe. Even reporting difficult clients and requesting refunds is stress-free so you can sleep easy
Aligning dates & diaries feel like off-piste skiing?
Does matching schedules and setting clear timelines feel like wandering in the wilderness?
Our calendar system enables you to set your availability and manage
your commissions, giving you complete control of your time.
Plus, you don’t have to take any commissions you don’t want to
Oh go on then - how will it all work?
Step 1
For just £9.99/month, create an online portfolio with your existing artwork through our sign-up link; add prices, availability, and whether or not you require to work in person.
Step 2
Get commissioned - you’ll receive artistic instruction from your client such as references for you to work with. You’ll also be paid one third of the commission value at this stage.
Step 3
Communicate with your client through our integrated messaging system, showing them early drafts and drawings, so you can nail down exactly what it is they want. Once you’re both happy, the client clicks the confirmation button you send, and you get paid the second third.
Step 4
Create the wonderful piece, box it and send it for delivery through your account’s Royal Mail link. Once delivery is confirmed, the remainder of your payment will be sent immediately! Now, sit back and relax, you can celebrate a successful commission!
Step 5
Sit down, rest and delight that you’ve created something of priceless value.